Mohamed Bouazizi, a young man of 26 years old, head of a big family had been pushed to the edge because of the lack of opportunities, the abuses of the police, the economic situation and the humiliation, he decides to buy gasoline, spread it all over himself and standing in front of the city hall and ...burst into flames!
A simple act of human desperation and nervous breakdown, this act had unleashed one of the biggest civil movements in this century, the Egypt’s had took this act as a symbol, what I called the Seif al Din (Sword of Fate) to fight against Hosni Mubarak, who has been a dictator for almost 30 years.
Today, Egypt has entered into history as the first Islamic state that had achieved the revolution; the last revolution in the Islamic world was the Islamic revolution in Iran (1979), and the last one in Africa, specifically in Egypt began with Gamal Abdel Nasser who was the leader in the revolutionary movement in 1952, he represented a change in politics, justice and the idea of the pan Arabism.

This is a landmark in the Egyptian history, the army declared an exception state, and a new beginning is at their sight; this is an example of the things that any country could accomplish, again, today was Egypt, tomorrow could be Yemen, Tunisia Morocco… and Mexico?
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